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The conception of sea border defence that dominates in the world now is based on joint using anti-submarine and anti-ship systems, such as combat ships armed with torpedoes and missiles, submarines, conventional and deck aircraft. Some of those

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От двигателя! или все же к нему?
The aero-engine industry plays a key role in development of aviation, economic power and defence system of the nation. Russia still remains one of the four countries (together with the UK, US and France) possessing the whole range of indigenous aero-engines for all types of air vehicles. Today, the Russian engine-makers are in a very difficult situation. To save the potential of the industry, the latter is being re-structured under long-term plans aimed at uniting numerous design bureaux and factories into powerful mergers. Without using the high science, it is impossible to find solutions to the main problems standing on the way of the industry's development. TsIAM, the Central Institute of Aviation Engine-building, is a coordinator, task-integrator for this work. Successful application of former purely-scientific methods in the process of designing and manufacturing aero-engines and their parts has resulted, for instance, in a 2-3% increase in the efficiency of compressors and a considerable reduction (by 1.5-2 times) in the design cycle. The cost of development of a new engine has been shortened greatly as well.

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Истребитель всегда истребитель
Ever-rising functional capability of avionics and aiming systems, improving invulnerability of aircraft and advent of new precise weapons have led to the idea of "multifunctional fighters". The aerial fight, determined as an organised battle in the air, will continue to be the primary task for the fifth-generation fighters, which will remain "fighters" in the first place. Joint flights of Russian and American fighters revealed that the Su-27 and MiG-29 overwhelmingly surpass their rivals. Because of this, the US Air Force ordered a radically-new air superiority fighter. The answer was the ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter). Its first prototype - the YF-22 - was merely a demonstrator, a sort of "flying mock-up" needed to make a step to the truly-combat F-22. The same approach is employed by Sukhoi design bureau, which has built and put into the air the S-37 Berkut. Mikoyan is also working on such an airplane.

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Су-32ФН: "Морской змей", разящий с небес
The Su-32FN strike-reconnaissance aircraft of ground basing is intended for search and destruction of hostile surface ships and submarines at a large distance from the defended territory. It is also able to provide effective defence for the sea economic zone of sea-side countries by day and night, in heavy weather and electronic warfare conditions. Further, the Su-32FN with its high flight performance, highly-automated aiming complex and tremendous set of air-to-air missiles, can provide good protection against enemy aircraft acting from the sea. The aircraft carries the Sea snake on-board radio-electronic complex intended for surveillance of sea surface, detection of submarines and mines, and destruction of surface ships. The specifics and complexity of the Su-32FN's combat tasks do not reduce the possibility for the plane to exist in special versions tailored to the customer's requirements.

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"Русь" - полпред России
In 1997 the Rus display team of Vyazma air club celebrated its tenth anniversary. Flying on the L-39 Albatross, it has ten pilots. The head of the team, its leader and soloist are Kazimir Tikhanovich, Eugeny Burchanov and Valery Sobolev respectively. The Rus' aerial performance is very impressive, with a sufficient number of complicated manoeuvres requiring top art skills. The team has performed many air displays in Russia and the CIS. Its first foreign tour was that to Czech Republic, in September last year. A chain of displays is planned for 1998, covering several European countries. The team, however, is having difficulty with financing. The Rus needs state support and is ready to accept any form of help from sponsors.

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... и на Марсе будем жить
A big planet in the Solar system, Mars has always been shrouded in a mystery. Now, it looks like possible to make a manned flight to the planet in a foreseeable future, and then even to settle human settlements on it. US specialists believe that the first flight to Mars may occur in 2012. It would be marvellous to see the whole world applauding to such a great victory of the human brain and scientific progress. The best words to comment the event would be ones said by the US astronaut N.Armstrong: "I think we are going to the Moon because the humans always challenge everything and everybody. It is our nature."

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К безопасности   - через истину
Only investigation can lead to finding the real causes of crashes. The basis for preliminary and final conclusions in each such an investigation, is formed by many-times-checked facts supported by experimental data and scientific studies. This approach is the only right one; it is able to resolve the conflict between representatives of various services, boards and establishments participating in the investigation commission. Any pressure on these representatives from the side of their bosses should be eliminated if the real cause is to be found. The job of the crash-investigator is a tremendous strain of moral and physical forces. As though trying to make the job even harder, the mass media will broadcast not proven speculations of "experts", "knock-down" facts and other provocative information in order to capture attention of the society.

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ВВС и ПВО: яд и противоядие
Air-defence systems came on the scene almost immediately after the advent of warplanes. The final stage of WW1 marked a clear difference between the three main sorts of combat aircraft: fighters, bombers and reconnaissance airplanes. By that time the air-defence system had been shaped as well. The never-ending battle of Sword and Shield occupied the airspace. A danger of being bombed prompted development of anti-aircraft artillery, barrage balloons, interceptors and target-detection systems. In reply, the air forces kept ordering more powerful strike aircraft, improving combat tactics and developing technical devices to suppress the air-defence. The most important invention in the air-defence sphere was the radar, which considerably extended the borders of the "aviation against air-defence" battle. Will it ever end?

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